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  • Gitonga Muriithi

7 reasons why to be more connected with people is critically important

We have all experienced the unpleasant side effects of isolation and “lock downs”.

Social distancing and quarantines have a price, and the ramifications have added up.

Some people used the experience as an opportunity to grow. Others slipped into a deeper state of depression which seems impossible to overcome.

Experts agree, prolonged isolation isn’t good. People require human contact and extended periods of seclusion have enormous consequences.

Studies have been conducted on astronauts and people in solitary confinement.

In one study scientists concluded the mortality effect is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

A physician-researcher who studies stress immunology at the University of Munich discovered that people who were isolated for three months suffered from poor sleep, changes to their immune, endocrine, and neurocognitive systems, along with alterations to their metabolism.

With all these pressures pushing people apart, it's important to maintain human contact by leveraging any opportunity we can to cultivate connections.

"Poor communication doesn't disconnect souls. It's disconnected souls who poorly communicate".

Here are 7 reasons why human connection is critically important

A gift that keeps giving

Isolation can start to drive a wedge between friends and family. It can also make us less connected with ourselves. This tendency creates a vacuum induced by self-abandonment that often leads to pushing people away, which culminates in feelings of being "unloved". It’s a dangerous and slippery slope. Self-awareness is key and being vigilant about reaching out to family and friends helps us the gift that keeps giving. Love.

A healthier friend and partner

When we feel alone it's easy to drift apart from loving ourselves. When we don’t love ourselves it’s difficult to share love with other people.

Those that suffer most, are our close friends and partners. Lack of connection creates fractured relationships and exacerbates feelings of being unloved. It’s a vicious cycle that culminates in becoming closed off.

We need to focus on sharing love more openly when we feel the desire to shut down.

A happier way to live

Depression is on the rise and one of the causes is failing to practice self-love. It’s imperative at a time like this to take full responsibility for our feelings and realize we need to work hard at making the choice to be happy each day. Much like a child that feels pushed away, being isolated can create the same feelings. We need to mitigate the effects of feeling alone by making ourselves top priority and dedicate considerable time to practicing self-care.

A healthier way to live

Stress causes a plethora of health issues. When stress increases its easy to neglect self-care which is our best defense against the pressures of feeling disconnected. The research is clear. People that are connected and make health top priority enjoy a better quality of life. Being connected with yourself by focusing on self-care improves our relationships with other people.

A way to avoid boredom

People that are isolated often become lethargic and their desire for positive interaction decreases. That depletes motivation and leads to physical and psychological change. It also leads to boredom which a close cousin of depression and anxiety. Being around people alleviates boredom, and that’s incredibly important for those that struggle with being alone.

A more compassionate person

People that struggle with processing their feelings are more inclined to addiction and often lack self-discipline. They search for things outside themselves to regulate their sense of self abandonment. Feeling alone and disconnected can also impair compassion. We feel less tolerant and angry as we avoid managing our pain and compassion always suffers when we can’t be compassionate toward ourselves.

A more passionate and creative person

When people feel alone, they lack the energy to be creative and cultivate passion. It’s easy to push love away and lack joy when you feel like shutting down. Nothing productive and positive happens when our life lacks meaning and purpose. To turn this trend around, we need to focus on reconnecting with ourselves. Self-awareness and acting are the best way to remedy feeling alienated from feeling passionate.

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise". Rober Fritz

By Steve Wohlenhaus


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