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  • Gitonga Muriithi


Training and development divisions within companies are shrinking at an alarming rate; alarming especially to the 2/3rd of employees who may lose their jobs. In order to survive the threat of the future in training and education, and to keep your job, it is essential to embrace the changes in technology, to eagerly jump on board and to prove your worth.

If you cannot offer virtual instructor led training in an efficient manner with meaningful analytics you are in real trouble. These analytics prove that this kind of training can be, and often is, more effective than traditional classroom training used to be.

Some organisations are making Training and Development departments and people redundant when what really should and could be happening is a change in how the training is done.To implement this kind of change you probably need help.

Budget cuts – spend wisely!

When times are tight, belts are tighter and budgets are slashed. This has happened before and this time round is just more extreme.

Training is always in the slashing line because it does not relate to an immediate win or sale for the organisation.

In order to survive with less, the budget must be spent wisely with the best return for the organisation. It is essential that budget spend is optimised to its fullest extent.

Uncertainty / No margin for error

People need to be better trained to be more effective in the workplace so the business can run more efficiently and therefore be more successful.

Upskilling has never been more important than right now!

Attending training does not automatically mean that knowledge and/or skills have been acquired. A tick or a signature on a register simply means a person walked into a training room and sat there for a while; they attended the training event.

Right now is the perfect opportunity to turn training from an event into a process. Online training, done correctly, allows for the measuring of how much knowledge has been retained and applied in the workplace over a period of time. Trained staff and untrained staff can be compared using evidence based analytics, thus helping to identify the staff who need training to go from okay to brilliant!

Trends analysis allows for knowledge gaps to be easily identified. In other words, they can be used to compare two sales reps results, and identify why one is doing better than the other. Identifying and filling the gaps that result in poor results can only make a team stronger, and the organisation more successful in the long run. Being able to identify exactly what each individual needs is invaluable when it comes to building the best team possible from existing staff.

The classroom just won’t cut it anymore

The classroom was always destined to be replaced. Current world events have just made it more obvious and more urgent. Long boring sessions in a hot stuffy room are guaranteed to result in bored trainees who learn next to nothing, and are even less interested.

Stimulation is the game now - with so many distractions at our fingertips it is essential that any training grasps and keeps the trainees’ attention.

Online interactive training is perfectly positioned to engage, enthrall and educate the trainees.

Training must be edutainment: educational AND entertaining, or it doesn’t stand a chance.

Too many tools spoil the task

In the rush to get into online training, there has been a hysterical gathering of tools followed by the impossible task of trying to get them to all work together. A full toolbox is essential but it is only valuable if it is filled with tools fit for the task.

Every tool must have a purpose and be accessible for the learners. They must also all speak the same language! Every tool must pay its way. Using a single system is the best way to streamline your toolbox and make it more efficient.

One destination for the learners to access what they need and to use the tools makes for efficient teaching and learning.

Using a single system also makes it easier for the facilitators and makes it much easier to run analytics.

Measurement is everything

Analytics are really what it is all about. Good, detailed analytics give you the depth of understating of any knowledge gaps that need addressing.

They will also give you information about when the learner is actually learning, including right down to the time of day that it is best to run certain kinds of training.

Instead of fighting with data and reanalysing it over and over again to keep getting updated and reshuffled analysis, wouldn’t it be easier to simply have an intelligent dashboard providing a matrix of the information in real time? This makes it very obvious very quickly if training has been effective.

Measurement tools can also identify barriers to entry which may be hindering personal development for specific trainees.

These barriers may be invisible without the data analytics. It helps to pinpoint exactly where changes might be required rather than a massive, and probably expensive, total overhaul of the training.

The currency of the future is data. And good analytics make data accessible and therefore more valuable.

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